Book recommendations
"Early toy from Thuringia & the ore mountains' region" out of the publishing house of Swantje Köhler.
The book shows early toys of wood & Papiermaché and compares her with till now unpublished illustrations from early sample books. Pulling toys, toys are shown from skin, crank toys, box goods with scenes from the town & country life, soldiers, dishes, piece of furniture as well as dolls from Papiermaché. The reader also learns new over production areas, production, sample books, publisher and the worldwide export, with contemporary sources.
An excellent work with numerous pictures & sample newspapers. We only can recommend it the ore mountains & Thuringia every collector from ancient early toys.
And would like to thank Mrs Köhler for us for the cession of the pictures!
You find more information about the book under your web page: http://www.swantje-koehler-verlag-de
Please click on the above-mentioned link, then come directly into your Hompage!